In my previous post, I explained in my own words the "Attitude of a Great Software Developer". This post will focus on the testers. Developers and Testers are two great personalities that work literally in the opposite direction but towards a common goal of producing good quality software. One deals with the making aspect of the software and other with the breaking aspect of the software.
In this post, I will share the attitudes that a Great Software Tester should have, in my own views.
Attitude #1 - I want to break that software at any cost
Make no mistake about it. A tester's job is to find out bugs and in the process, make the software better and better as time progresses. A bug is a tester's best friend. So his/her primary intent is to break the software at any cost, find the loop holes, find that best friend of his one way or the other. Whether it is through a systematic process of executing test cases or adhoc testing or exploratory testing, the objective is clear.
If you want to be a Great Tester, your attitude has to be to "Break the software at any cost and find out that BUG".
Attitude #2 - Ms. Great Developer, I challenge you that I can find bugs in your code.
I seriously doubt how many testers have this attitude.
But if a person wants to be a Great Tester,